Our first funded project from this network is:
Project title: ''Charge carrier transportation in perovskite materials: an ultrafast x-ray absorption spectroscopic study''.
Researcher: Van Thai Pham (Sweden), Minh Tuan Trinh (USA) and Viet Mui Luong (Japan)
Amount: 100 000 SEK (10 000 euro) for equipments
Funder: The Walter Gyllenberg Foundation, Sweden
Time: 2021-2023

Dr. Michael Ortner
The knowledge sharing seminar by
Dr. Michael Ortner
Staff Scientist at Silicon Austria Labs GmbH, Austria
You are most welcome to our knowledge sharing seminar presented by Dr. Michael Ortner. We would like to thank Michael for his great enthusiasm and willingness. After the talk, if you are interested in learning more from him, we can arrange other potential lectures.
Abstract: In this talk I will give an introduction to the open-source project Magpylib. Magpylib is a Python package for calculating 3D static magnetic fields of magnets, line currents and other sources. The computation is based on analytical expressions and therefore extremely fast. An user-friendly geometry interface enables convenient relative positioning between sources and observers.
2012 Phd in theoretical physics at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
2012 – 2019 Research on magnetic systems at Carinthian Tech Research
2019-2022 Research on magnetic Microsystems at Silicon Austira Labs with focus on Magnetic position systems
A bit magnetic sensors
A bit magnetic materials
A lot of magnetic systems
Specifically: Challenges of magnetic positions systems
Magnetic maps <-> Finding bijective solutions B <-> mechanical dof
Read-out <-> Magnetic field inversion
Dealing with mechanical tolerances and calibration
Potential of multi-pixel approaches
Fortunately they align with my interests
Time: 15 - 16:30 (UTC/GMT+2), Friday, July 15th 2022
Zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62107042752
Chairman: Dr. Duy Thang Dao