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The knowledge sharing seminar by

Dr. Trong Toan Tran

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)


Dr.  Trong Toan Tran

You are most welcome to a knowledge-sharing seminar presented by Dr.  Trong Toan Tran from University of Technology Sydney (UTS). With a friendly atmosphere, you will have a great chance to discuss and communicate with this young scientist for any potential collaborations or research experience.


Quantum emitters in wide-bandgap semiconductors:

Applications in nanoscale sensing



Solid-state quantum emitters, “atom-like” systems that emit only a single photon at a time, have gained tremendous research momentum in recent years owing to their superior photostability, room-temperature operation and ease of integration into photonics structures.1 These quantum emitters have been employed in quantum applications such as quantum key distribution, quantum communications, and quantum sensing. Among these emitters, optically active point-defects in hexagonal boron nitride and diamond have attracted significant interest in the last decade thanks to their exceptional optical properties.2-4 In this talk, I will first introduce the key properties of these emitters, and I will then talk about their potential uses in applications such as nanoscale sensing and imaging.5-7



Dr Trong Toan Tran is an Assistant Professor (Lecturer in Australia) at the School of Electrical and Data Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He leads the Nanoscale Electro-Thermo-Optical laboratory (NETO) at UTS Tech Lab ( He is the recipient of the extremely competitive 2022 Discovery Early Career Research Fellowship (DECRA) and 2019 Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (by UTS). He also received other awards such as UTS Chancellor's Award for best PhD thesis (2018), AIP Award for Postgraduate Excellence in Physics (2017), etc.

Dr Tran’s group focuses on the development of novel solid-state quantum emitters and their applications in nanoscale sensing. Dr Tran received his PhD (Physics) at UTS in 2018, his Master of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2011 and his Bachelor degree (Materials Science) at the University of Science, HCMC, VNU in 2008. He has published more than 47 peer-reviewed journal articles, with many in prestigious journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, etc. As of May 2023, Dr Tran's track record features an h-index of 27 and a total citation of over 4300 (Google Scholar).


He has also attracted close to $1M in research income. Dr Tran has been an invited speaker for several international conferences, such as AVS, SPIE, ICPS, ICEAN. More information can be found in the links below.


UTS Profile:

Google Scholar:


1.  Aharonovich, I.; Englund, D.; Toth, M., Solid-State Single-Photon Emitters. Nat. Photon. 2016, 10 (10), 631-641.

2.  Tran, T. T.; Bray, K.; Ford, M. J.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I., Quantum Emission from Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayers. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2016, 11 (1), 37-41.

3.   Mendelson, N.; Doherty, M.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I.; Tran, T. T., Strain-Induced Modification of the Optical Characteristics of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Adv. Mater. 2020, 32 (21), 1908316.

4.   Tran, T. T.; Regan, B.; Ekimov, E. A.; Mu, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Gao, W.-b.; Narang, P.; Solntsev, A. S.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I.; Bradac, C., Anti-Stokes Excitation of Solid-State Quantum Emitters for Nanoscale Thermometry. Sci. Adv. 2019, 5 (5), eaav9180.

5.   Kianinia, M.; Bradac, C.; Sontheimer, B.; Wang, F.; Tran, T. T.; Nguyen, M.; Kim, S.; Xu, Z.-Q.; Jin, D.; Schell, A. W.; Lobo, C. J.; Aharonovich, I.; Toth, M., All-Optical Control and Super-Resolution Imaging of Quantum Emitters in Layered Materials. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9 (1), 874.

6.   Chen, Y.; Li, C.; Yang, T.; Ekimov, E. A.; Bradac, C.; Ha, S. T.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I.; Tran, T. T., Real-Time Ratiometric Optical Nanoscale Thermometry. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (3), 2725-2736.

7.    White, S. J. U.; Klauck, F.; Trong Tran, T.; Schmitt, N.; Kianinia, M.; Steinfurth, A.; Heinrich, M.; Toth, M.; Szameit, A.; Aharonovich, I.; Solntsev, A. S., Quantum Random Number Generation Using a Hexagonal Boron Nitride Single Photon Emitter. Journal of Optics 2020, 23 (1), 01LT01.

Time: 9:00 CET (14:00 Vietnam or 17:00 Sydney time), 21st June, 2023

Zoom link:

Chairmain: Assoc. Prof. Hai Son Nguyen

Recorded video

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