Our first funded project from this network is:
Project title: ''Charge carrier transportation in perovskite materials: an ultrafast x-ray absorption spectroscopic study''.
Researcher: Van Thai Pham (Sweden), Minh Tuan Trinh (USA) and Viet Mui Luong (Japan)
Amount: 100 000 SEK (10 000 euro) for equipments
Funder: The Walter Gyllenberg Foundation, Sweden
Time: 2021-2023

Lund University
Division of Combustion Physics

At the division of Combustion Physics, we develop and apply various laser-based diagnostic techniques to study from fundamental to applied physics.
Associate senior lecturer / Asst. Professor
MAX IV laboratory
FemtoMAX beamline

FemtoMAX beamline is dedicated to study structural dynamics using ultrafast diffraction/scattering and absorption spectroscopy.
Beamline scientist
Renewable Energy Technology International AB